Project Groups
Sustainable Sherston is a voluntary group and open to all. To join one of our groups or get involved with the organising committee, please contact
Tree Planting and Biodiversity
Trees absorb CO2 (although at the end of their lives release it back into the atmosphere) and other pollutants and provide a habitat and food source for insects, birds and mammals, helping to increase biodiversity.
The aims of this group include planting a community orchard (also providing local food); working with local landowners and the Parish and Wiltshire Council to identify possible areas for tree and wildflower planting and helping the Parish Council to design a new mowing regime for public green spaces in the village.
Sustainable Food
Food production and transport result in about a quarter of global emissions of greenhouse gases and food waste emits methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
The aims of this group include getting Sherston growing again; sharing information, knowledge, plants, seeds and fruit and vegetables in the community to help each other (this has started with a table outside the allotments for people to share any excess produce or plants); a community orchard; and apple juicing and harvesting events (post COVID-19).
Sustainable Transport
For the UK to hit its emissions reduction targets it is essential that we reduce emissions from car travel and flights. Wiltshire has one of the highest carbon footprints of any county due to its reliance on cars. This is a significant challenge for rural communities but as people have started to work from home more and enjoyed bike travel during the lockdown, this presents an opportunity for us to change some of our habits.
The aims of this group include encouraging walking, cycling and the use of public transport (with a safe cycling route between Sherston and Malmesbury currently being developed with Wiltshire Council); promoting the uptake of electric vehicles (bikes and cars) and helping facilitate infrastructure in the surrounding area for electric vehicle charging with the Parish and Wiltshire Council and organising and facilitate car sharing (post Covid 19)
Waste Minimisation
The aims of this group include promoting the principles of Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and as a last resort Recycle; orchestrating sharing of equipment and repairing; encourage home composting (we are also looking into the possibility of community composting); ensuring our community has access to comprehensive recycling facilities from Wiltshire Council, Sherston shops and other national recycling initiatives and helping individuals, businesses, organisations and schools eliminate single-use plastic.
Community / Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Reducing energy use and consuming energy from renewable sources are key to us reaching our zero carbon targets.
The aims of this group include undertaking a baseline audit of the village’s carbon footprint to see where we can most effectively make a difference and to track progress; promoting the uptake of renewable energy for power and heating; undertaking infrared imaging of Sherston buildings where residents would like help in identifying heat leakages; advising and facilitating measures to improve household energy efficiency and facilitating talks and workshops giving practical information.
We have joined with members of other local climate action groups to look into the possibilities of local community renewable energy projects and have joined with Zero Chippenham to offer reduced cost Solar Photovoltaic panels through their buying scheme. More information here.
Community Engagement, Education and Campaigning
The media has been slow in reporting about the climate and ecological emergency and it can seem like an overwhelming topic, with so much to learn and lots of statistics. As a group we aim to raise awareness in the community of the seriousness of the climate emergency and other sustainability issues and together put pressure on Wiltshire Council and our MP.
The aims of the group include arranging talks (at the moment online), workshops, stalls and discussions and liaison with our Wiltshire Councillor and MP.