‘Climate Change: The Facts’, 2019 BBC documentary with David Attenborough. No longer on the iplayer but full film is on youtube and free to watch. Really good overview.
‘Before the Flood’, 2016 documentary with Leonardo di Caprio. Good overview. Available on Netflix.
‘Ice on Fire’, 2019 documentary with Leonardo di Caprio focusing on bio- and geo-engineering solutions to drawing carbon out of the atmosphere. Full film on youtube.
‘Chasing Ice’, 2012 documentary of photographer recording melting glaciers. Available on youtube, amazon, google play.
‘An Inconvenient Truth’, 2006 and ‘An Inconvenient Sequel’, 2016. Al Gore films. Available on youtube, amazon, google play.
There are loads of fantastic talks on youtube, I would recommend James Hansen amongst others (one of the first scientists to warn about climate change, he worked for NASA).
Books, reports etc.:
Martin Dorey 'No More Plastic', 2018, Ebury Press.
Natalie Fee 'How to Save the World for Free', 2019, Laurence King Publishing.
Mike Berners-Lee ‘How Bad are Bananas: The Carbon Footprint of Everything’, 2020, Profile Books limited.
'There is no Planet B: A handbook for the make or break years', 2019, Cambridge University Press.
Isabel Losada 'The Joyful Environmentalist', 2020, Watkins.
Paul Hawken ‘Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming’, 2018, Penguin.
Nathaniel Rich, ‘Losing Earth: The Decade We Could Have Stopped Climate Change’, 2019, Panmacmillan.
Greta Thunberg ‘No one is too small to make a difference’, 2019, Penguin. She gets right to the point, listen to the scientists!
David Wallace-Wells, ‘The Uninhabitable Earth: A Story of the Future’, 2019, Penguin. Very thorough and a wake up call.
Isabella Tree, 'Wilding', 2019, Picador.
Mark Lynas 'Our final warning, Six degrees of climate emergency', 2020, 4th Estate.
Chris Goodall 'What we need to do how, for a zero carbon future', 2020, Profile Books.
‘Keeping it Cool: How the UK can end it’s contribution to climate change’ WWF report, 2018:
The Paris Climate Agreement:
IPPC reports (summaries for policy makers are good unless you really love science!):
Websites and Social Media :
This website has the counter arguments to all the denialists questions and theories:
Great UK based website with lots of videos and info:
Energy Saving Trust: